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Bibliographical Resources:  

(Page under continous revision; please note that this page is primarily intended to facilitate the communication amongst PPS-members. It is not representative for the research literature used in our publications.  Additions are always welcome!)


The Journal for Conflict Resolution 

The Journal of Conflict Studies

Journal of Conflict Resolution

Peace, Conflict and Development

The African Journal of Conflict Resolution

International Journal of Conflict Management

Table of contents:

  1. Publications by PPS members (incomplete)
  2. General bibliography
    • Structure, logic, classification of conflicts
    • Interpersonal conflicts
    • Intrapersonal conflict
    • Social conflicts
    • International conflicts
    • Case studies of conflicts

1. Selected Publications by PPS members

Gregersen, N. H.

2002 (ed.) Complexity , Oxford University Press.

2006  " The Complexification of Nature: Supplementing the Neo-Darwinian paradigm? ", Theology and Science , 4, 1-28.

Raffnsøe-Møller, M.

2003 ”Hegel: Frihed, selvbevidsthed og magt”, in:   Magtens tænkere .

2002 ”Charles Taylor: Selv, modernitet og værdi”, i Charles Taylor: Modernitetens ubehag – autenticitetens etik , Philosophia.

2001 "Grössen und Grenzen moderner Freiheitsbegriffe”, Sats 2/1, 2001
2001 Selvvirkeliggørelse og fremmedgørelse hos den unge Marx, Århus.

2001 Individual Freedom and Freedom in Common – Hegel’s concept of Freedom , Århus.
2000 ”Anerkendelsens sociale grundformer: Kærlighed, agtelse og værdsættelse”, Philosophia 27.

1999 ”Roller, normer og moralsk selvudvikling. Habermas’ selvvirkeliggørelsesmodel”, Philosophia 26.

1999 Moral og menneskesyn I-II , i  Philosophia

1998 Democratic 'Sittlichkeit' and Practical Reason. The Sources and Institutions of Rationality in Modern Democracies. A Systematic Reconstruction and Critique of Habermas' Theor y., ph.d.-thesis, Aarhus University 1998.
1997 "Moral Reasoning and Moral Practice" in Commonality and Particularity in Ethics, (Ed.): Lilli Alanen et al, MacMillan, Houndmills. 

Schott, R.

2006 Philosophy on the Border , edited anthology with Kirsten Klercke, Copenhagen: Museum Tusculanums Forlag, forthcoming.

2006 Feminist Philosophy and the Problem of Evil ; Bloomington: Indiana University Press,forthcoming.

2006 “Fra Radical Ondskab til Evig Fred” (”From Radical Evil to Perpetual Peace”), translated by Carsten Fogh Nielsen, in Carsten Fogh Nielsen, ed., Introduktion til Kant , Århus: Århus Universitetsforlag, forthcoming.

2006  ”Just War and the Problem of Evil”, in Bat-Ami Bar On, editor, Feminist Interpretations of Just War Theory ; Albany: SUNY Press, forthcoming.

2006 “Ethics after Mass Rape”, in Lisa Köll and Ulrika Björk, eds., Stil, Kön, Andraer– tolv essäer i feministisk filosofi (“Style, Sex, Otherness—twelve essays in feminist philosophy”), Stockholm: Brutus Ôstlings Bokförlag Symposion, forthcoming.

2006 “Irigaray, Negativity and Evil,” in Debra Bergoffen and Hugh Silverman, eds. Reading Irigaray’s Ethics of Sexual Difference , Evanston: Northwestern Press, forthcoming.

2004 “The Atrocity Paradigm and the Concept of Forgiveness” in Hypatia; A Journal of Feminist Philosophy.

2003 Discovering Feminist Philosophy; Knowledge, Ethics, Politics , Lanham, Maryland.: Rowman and Littlefield: 2003; Danish edition, Feministisk Filosofi; En introduction, Copenhagen: Gyldendal, 2004.

2003 Hypatia; A Journal of Feminist Philosophy ; Special Issues on Feminist Philosophy and the Problem of Evil ; Guest Editor, Winter 2003 and Spring 2003.

2003 “Narratives of the Traumatized Self”/”Fortællinger om det traumatiserede jeg”, Forum , November 2003.                   

2003  “Feminist Ethics of Conflict”, in “ L’Homme. Journal for feminist historical  science ”, Vienna , 14.2.

2003 “Die Unterscheidung Freund/Feind und der Begriff des Konflikts”, in Erik M.Vogt, Hugh J. Silverman, and Serge Trottein, eds., Derrida und die Politiken der Freundshaft, . Vienna: Turia & Kant.

2003 “Beauvoir and the Ambiguity of Evil”, in Claudia Card, ed.  The Cambridge Companion to Simone de Beauvoir , Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.

2002 “Philosophical Perspectives on the Crisis of War Rape”, in Torture: Quarterly Journal on Rehabilitation of Torture Victims , Copenhagen, IRCT..

1999 "Philosophical Reflections on War Rape," in Claudia Card, ed., On Feminist Ethics and Politics , Lawrence: University Press of Kansas.

1998 "Maternal Bodies and Nationalisms," in Philosophy Today .

1997  "Gender and 'Postmodern War'," Bat-Ami Bar On, ed., Hypatia; A Journal of Feminist Philosophy; Special Issue on Women and Violence , Bloomington: Indiana University Press, Fall 1996. Also in Krieg/War , Munchen: Wilhelm  Fink Verlag.

1997 "Gender, Nazism, and Hermeneutics," in Louis H. Hahn, ed., Gadamer's Hermeneutics , The Library of Living Philosophers, Chicago and La Salle, Illinois: Open Court, 1997.

1992  "The Domination of Women and Jews: A Critique of Horkheimer's and Adorno's Dialectic of Enlightenment ," in Shulamit Volkov and Frank Stern, eds., Tel Aviver Jahrbuch für Deutsche Geschichte 1992 , Gerlingen: Bleicher Verlag.

1985 "Morality and Fetishism," Cogito; An International Journal for Philosophy,Society, and Politics . Vol. III, No. 4.

  2. General Bibliography

Structure, logic, classification of conflicts:

Boulding, K.

1962 Conflict and Defense--A General Theory , Harper New York.

Coombs, C.

1987 The Structure of Conflict, American Psychologist 42, 355-363.

Faust, D.

2002 Conflict without Contradiction: Paraconsistency and Axiomatizable Conflict Toleration Hierarchies in Evidence Logic,   Logic-and-Logical-Philosoph 9, 137-151

Felder, D.

1999 Simmel's Theory of Conflict,  in:   From Kant to Weber: Freedom and Culture in Classical German Social Theory , Powers, Thomas M (ed), Krieger: Malabar, 125-136.

Mitchell, C.R. – The Structure of International Conflict (1989)

McDonald, J.

1995 The Presumption in Favor of Requirement Conflicts,   Journal-of-Social-Philosophy 26, 49-58.

Intrapersonal Conflicts:

De Dreu, C. / van Knippenberg, D.

2005 The Possessive Self as a Barrier to Conflict Resolution: Effects of mere Ownership, Process Accountability, and Self-Concept Clarity on Competitive Cognitions and Behavior, Journal of Personality and Social Psychology 89, 345-357.

Frank, R.

1993 Strategies for Solving Impulse-Control Problems: Comments on George Ainslie's "Picoeconomics", Behavior-and-Philosophy 21, 49-55.

Interpersonal Conflicts:

Agich, G./Forster, H.

2000 Conflicts of Interest and Management in Managed Care, Cambridge-Quarterly-of-Healthcare-Ethics 9, 189-204

Fortado, B.

2001  The metamorphosis of workplace conflict, Human Relations 54, 1189-1221.

Grandy, A.

2000 Emotional Regulation in the Workplace: A New Way to Conceptualize Emotional Labour, Journal of Occupational Health Psychology 5, 95-110.

Heuer, L./ Penrod, S.

1986 Procedural Preference as a Function of Conflict Intensity, Journal of Personality and Social Psychology 51, 700-710

Maly, Y.

1995 From adjudication to mediation: Third party discourse in conflict resolution, Journal of Pragmatics 23, 93-110

Maoz, I. et al.

2002 The dialogue between the 'Self' and the 'Other': A process analysis of Palestinian-Jewish encounters in Israel

Redshaw, S.

1994 Philosophical Applications: Cultivating Alternative Approaches to Dispute Resolution, Thinking:-The-Journal-of-Philosophy-for-Children 11, 10-13.

Social Conflicts:

Wright, J. R.

2003 Understanding Racism As an Ethical Ideology: An Approach to Critical Communication in a White Supremacist Society,   Social Philosophy Today:Communication, Conflict, and Reconciliation , Volume 17, Hughes, Cheryl (ed),


Gremmen,B. / Jacobs,J.

1997 Understanding Sustainability Man-and-World. Jl 97; 30(3): 315-327

International Conflicts:

Webb, Keith – An Introduction to the Problems of Philosophy in Social Science (1995)

Joseph S. Nye, Jr. – Understanding International Conflicts (1993)

Midlarsky, Manus I. (ed.) – Handbook of War Studies (1989)

Gurr, Ted (ed.) – Handbook of Political Conflict (1980)

Mitchell, C.R. – The Structure of International Conflict (1989)

Adler, Emanuel “Seizing the Middle Ground” European Journal of International Relations (1997) Vol. 3 (3): 319-363.

Hopf, Ted “The Promise of Constructivism in IR Theory”, International Security, Vol. 23, No. 1 (Summer 1998), pp.171-200.

Case Studies of Conflicts:

Price, Richard “A Genealogy of the Chemical Weapons Taboo” International Organization 49, 1, Winter 1995, pp. 73-103.

Price, Richard “Reversing the Gun Sights: Transnational Civil Society Targets Land Mines” International Organization 52, 3, summer 1998, pp.613-644.

Gerner, Deborah J. One Land, Two People’s: The Conflict over Palestine (1994)

Barnett, Michael “Culture, Strategy, and Foreign Policy Change: Israel’s Road to Oslo” European Journal of International Relations (1999) Vol. 5 (1): 5-36.

Pollack, Mark A., “Delegation, Agency, and Agenda Setting in the Treaty of Amsterdam” European Integration Online Papers Vol. 3 (1999) No. 6, pp. 1-19:

Barnett, Michael N. and Martha Finnemore, “The Politics, Power, and Pathologies of International Organizations” International Organization 53, 4, Autumn 99, pp. 699 –733.

Schimmelfennig, Frank “International Socialization in the New Europe: Rational Action in an Institutional Environment” European Journal of International Relations (2000) Vol. 6 (1): 109-139

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Revised 2010.02.24